Sequential Manager is an online management portal for ordering and managing estates of mobile data SIMs. This portal communicates directly with Vodafone and O2 networks for adds, moves and changes.
Offering a range of post-pay UK data SIMs. Tariffs are available in all sizes on monthly rolling contracts.
In the portal you can allocate data SIMs and manage activations. SIM swaps, bars, ceases, tariff changes and bolt-ons are all managed in real-time. On most SIMs you can apply overage protection or bar SIMs when they reach their limit to avoid the risk of bill shock from higher, out-of-bundle tariffs. Ability to run usage reports, set up alerts and auto-bars as required.
Sequential Data Mobile Tariff Options
Manage your estate
Tariffs are sold as post-pay however they can be designed to have the same protection as pre-pay SIMs via the portal. Once the allowance has been used it will auto-bar and remain barred until the end of the month. You can go in and un-bar the SIM by adding bolt-ons should users require additional data during the month, to reactivate the SIM.
You can run reports by date and SIM status. You can search by mobile numbers and apply SIM filters. These reports show the state of the SIM, their ID, mobile number, usage, location, last CDR, tariff and allowance. Regular allowance reports are easy to set up and can be used with alerts.
Monitoring and alerts
You can set up email or text alerts to manage usage.
Choice of mobile network provider
Vodafone has an ultrafast 4G network with excellent coverage. O2 are bringing 4G to even more places, as part of their network modernisation programme.
Monthly contracts
Sign up to monthly rolling contracts and have the flexibility to make changes to their tariff at any time during the month.
Value for money
We offer a range of great value mobile data SIMs, managed by our portal.
Avoid bill shock
Our portal allows you to log in and add bolt-ons at any time during the month. By setting up alerts and adding relevant bolt-ons you can help to prevent expensive out of bundle charges.
Usage data is supplied on a best-efforts basis. You must keep track of usage via alternate means if you want to avoid out-of-bundle rates. Overages become your liability.